Off-The-Job Training on Your Apprenticeship!

Off-the-job training is a statutory requirement during your time as an Apprentice. This is training that is done during your working week, supplementing your knowledge, skills, and behaviour.

Both employers and Apprentices sometimes need clarification on what constitutes off-the-job training, so we have broken it down in the blog below! If you do have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us any time.


What exactly is off-the-job training?

Off-the-job training is anything that happens during your working week outside of your day-to-day work duties that helps with your Apprenticeship. It has to take place within your normal working hours, taking around 20% of your working time. For instance, if you work a 40 hour week, then you will be expected to do off-the-job training for 6 hours per week.

The training MUST be relevant to your Apprenticeship.

This allows you to take the time to focus and develop required skills. The knowledge and behaviours that you [focus on] will help you achieve your Apprenticeship. There a multitudes of activities that will count towards this!


What are the benefits?

  • Expanding your understanding of the knowledge, kills and behaviours required in your wider industry
  • Promoting a flexible and creative approach to your learning, gaining new and transferable skills
  • Exploring learning through various real-life learning opportunities
  • Expanding your network with inspiring and experienced trainers


What counts as off-the-job training?

  • Training courses, webinars or workshops
  • Visiting other departments or shadowing colleagues
  • Providing cover
  • Attending and/or chairing meetings
  • Performance reviews
  • 1-2-1 meetings
  • Industry visits/ conferences relevant to your Apprenticeship


Recording your hours

Make sure that your training is logged! To meet funding requirements, you must ensure that all of these activities are in your apprentice log. We recommend that you update this log every week so you don’t forget anything.


More Information

For more information, please see the government page on Apprenticeships Off-The-Job Training or contact us any time!

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